How to Parent Today Like There's No Tomorrow

Let’s face it. Even though we all love our kids, some days we really just don’t like them. The days where parenting is tough and we question our decision to become parents in the first place. The days where our kids are talking back, throwing tantrums, refusing to eat, flushing our expensive watches down the toilet, … Read more

Bedtime Bears: Calming Magnesium Gummy Bears

Sleep…oh glorious sleep. I used to take sleep for granted. Before I had kids, I always considered sleep a boring task. I have always been an early riser, waking at the crack of dawn. Sleeping in wasn’t something I ever desired (or felt I needed, even with working 12 hour shifts as a nurse). Then … Read more

15 Healthier Treats without Artificial Food Dye

What do juice boxes, fruit snacks, whole wheat bread, salad dressing, microwave popcorn, granola bars, yogurt, and cereal all have in common? No, this isn’t a healthy grocery list (although many people commonly mistake these foods as healthy). All of these foods commonly have artificial food color as one of their ingredients. Don’t believe me? … Read more

Our son's autism diagnosis story

Our oldest son has Autism. His diagnosis read “moderate autism,” but we consider him to be “high functioning” and more in line with what used to be called Asperger’s Syndrome (although that label is no longer used). He was diagnosed at age 6, just one month shy of his 7thbirthday. Looking back, there were signs … Read more

Hidden Ingredients Behind Childhood Behavior

It was Valentine’s Day, and I wanted to do something special for breakfast to surprise my kids. I had been up late the night before getting fun ideas off of Pinterest, and finally settled on making red, heart shaped pancakes. One of our family traditions is to have pancakes every Saturday morning, and I usually … Read more

Peaceful Child Diffuser Blends

As a parent of 3 children who all struggle with emotional regulation, peace is something I am always longing for. Our days often feel like we go from managing one meltdown, explosion, or angry outburst after the next.  Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how good your parenting is…there is simply nothing you can do to prevent … Read more

We recently took a family trip to the historic city of Boston over a long weekend. If you are a parent of a child with autism or sensory needs (or really just any parent) then you know how stressful travelling can be. We drove the 7 hours there in one straight shot with a few … Read more

The Best Sensory Smart Sleep Tips for Better Sleep in Kids

Every parent knows that sleep is GOLD, for you and your child. Without it, no amount of lavender oil or extra bold coffee can get you through the emotional roller coasters and meltdowns due to lack of sleep. If you have a child with Autism, ADHD, or who struggles with sensory processing issues, then you … Read more

Family Meal Planning For Beginners

Trying to feed your family without a plan typically ends with ordering in, a last-minute thrown together meal that is boring and bland, or something out of a box or can that is less than ideal or healthy. Meal planning can seem like a daunting task for a busy Mom, but I am going to … Read more

Woman jumping into air with sunset in the background

I recently came across some staggering statistics in a book and was literally shocked by what I read. Of the nearly 6 billion people on Earth, did you know that 1.2 billion people live on about twenty-three cents a day?! And the wealthiest 1 billion individuals survive on roughly seventy dollars a day. What does … Read more